India, the world's largest exporter of spices. Three-fourths of its total output from the rich plantations of Kerala. The spice trade remains a dominant force in the commercial landscape of the state, with black pepper. This is a major revenue source for Kerala's spice cultivation sector hence pepper is known as 'Black Gold'. The ancient lost port city of Muziris in Kerala is renowned for its historic export of black pepper, which has long attracted overseas traders to this region. Pepper is also known as the 'King of Spices,' and they are extensively used both in cooking and in traditional Ayurvedic medicine. The spice comes from the berries of the climbing vine plant Piper nigrum. These berries are harvested, dried to produce whole peppercorns, and used directly in dishes or in a powdered form. In Kerala, black pepper is cultivated in a mixed crop environment. In regions like Wayanad, pepper is planted alongside coffee plantations on a large scale. It is also a common feature in most kitchen gardens throughout the state. Black pepper plants usually grow in humid tropical climates with high rainfall and humidity. They tolerate temperatures ranging from 10 to 40 degrees Celsius and require a well-distributed annual rainfall of 125 to 250 cm. Pepper is produced throughout Kerala, with Idukki and Wayanad being the top regions in terms of cultivation.
Black pepper possesses antioxidant properties, which may help prevent free radical damage to cells. It also has anti-inflammatory properties and helps in controlling blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Black pepper is also known for enhancing nutrient absorption and promoting gut health, which make it a valuable ingredient for adding spice to dishes while benefiting overall health. Black pepper is an essential ingredient in a widely used homemade remedy for seasonal fevers in Kerala.
The pepper segment leads the spices and seasonings market, and it is one of the important exporting items in both local and global markets. Pepper is available in markets both as whole peppercorns and in ground or fine powder form.
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