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Chakrasana - The Wheel Pose

Chakrasana - The Wheel Pose

Regular practice of this asana is food for infertility, asthma, and osteoporosis. Chakrasana also strengthens liver, pancreas, and kidneys and is best yogasana to stimulate the Thyroid Glands. 

How to do Chakrasana? 

  • Stand straight with your feet slightly apart.
  • Place your palms against your lower back and push your pelvic region slightly forward.
  • Exhale. Curve your trunk backwards. Support the weight of your body with your thighs.
  • Slowly stretch your arms over your head as you continue to bend backwards.
  • Bend till your palms drop to the floor behind you.
  • Immediately straighten your palms to support your body and to avoid a fall.
  • Your body should form an arch.
  • Breathe evenly. Maintain your position for a few seconds.