kerala tourism


Parsvottanasana - The Side Stretch

Parsvottanasana - The Side Stretch

Parsvottanasana or The Side Stretch helps to relax the brain and it also strengthens the shoulders, spine, wrists, hamstrings, and hips.

  • Stand erect. Inhale deeply.
  • Draw your shoulder backward along with your elbows. Join your palms.
  • Exhale. Turn your joined palms upward, as if in prayer.
  • Inhale. Jump and land with your feet apart. Exhale.
  • Inhale. Twist your trunk to the right at your waist. 
  • Turn your right foot to the right.
  • Exhale. Bend your trunk forward and downward. Let your head meet your knee. Keep your knee straight and leg tight.
  • Breathe evenly. Maintain the posture for 20 seconds.