kerala tourism


Bhujangasana, a variation

Bhujangasana, a variation

How to do a variation in Bhujangasana?

  • Lie down flat on your abdomen, in the relaxation posture. Cross your hands in front of you so you can place your head on them. Slowly bring your legs close together. Place your forehead on the floor.
  • Move your arms so that they are folded at the elbow and your palms are close to your shoulders. 
  • Raise your elbows off the floor slightly. Inhale. Raise your forehead with your chin pushed out.
  • Raise your torso from the ground. Ensure that your abdomen remains pressed to the floor. 
  • Reflect on the movement of a snake raising its hood and gradually feel the stretch of your spine. Maintain posture.
  • You are now in the Bhujangasana. Now, move your legs apart. Stretch your spine further by walking your hands backward, closer to your waist.
  • Bend your legs at the knees and lift your feet as you curve your torso backward. Your feet should now touch your head.