kerala tourism


Sarvangasana - The Shoulder Stand

Sarvangasana - The Shoulder Stand

Gives a good stretch to the spine and makes it strong and flexible. Contributes to your health by improving blood circulation. Strengthens heart and lungs.

How to do Sarvangasana?

  • Lie down flat on your back. Keep your legs close together and your chin tucked in.
  • Breathe deeply. Inhale. Lift your legs upwards till your feet are pointing directly up - that is, till your legs are perpendicular to your torso.
  • Tuck your hands underneath yourself with your palms facing up. With your hands under your buttocks, prepare to raise your torso.
  • Lift your torso gradually till you are resting on your shoulders.
  • Your arms must now be bent at the elbow. Bring your hands to your back to support yourself. Your legs should be over your head.
  • Slowly straighten your back.
  • Keep your knees firm but relax your calf muscles now. Maintain the posture.
  • To relax, lower your legs till your feet are at an angle of 45 degreesover your head. Lower your arms to the floor. Unwind gradually.