Akaparambu Roman Catholic Church

Akaparambu Roman Catholic Church, named after the St. George and Prothoseus was renovated in 1999. The original church was constructed using `surki’ powder, a mixture of lime and crushed brick. A 1775 document has a note to substantiate this fact.The bells in the six-storey bell tower of the original church were imported from France. 

The murals in the church represent the Passion of Christ, in a series of eight pictures. There are others depicting prophet Elijah presenting his robe to Elisha, before ascending to heaven, Satan’s temptation of Eve in the garden of Eden, Moses standing on the Sinai mountains with the Ten Commandments, Sabor and Aphroth arguing with Namboodiris on Vedas, David and Goliath, and Mar Thoma I. The average height and width of these paintings are 125 cms and 95 cms and they are in a style which does not give too much importance to lines.